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Top 5 Benefits to Working with a Business Coach

If you Google “Steve Jobs Business Coach,” you’re going to see this:

Business coach search results

Bill Campbell has been named the “Trillionaire Dollar Coach” after leading not just Steve Jobs—but Larry Page (co-founder of Google) and Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) to create products and services that changed the world.

Why did Steve Jobs, Larry Page, and Jeff Bezos turn to a business coach to help them find their way?

Because they knew the Socratic Paradox, named after Greek Philosopher Socrates. “I know that I know nothing.”

While these mega-moguls definitely knew something—I mean, they did create some of the largest businesses in the world—they realized they didn’t know everything. Their businesses could become huge, but only if they had the help they needed to get personalized advice, avoid upcoming pitfalls, have someone looking over their goals, and more.

And that’s what a business coach like Bill Campbell does.

No matter the size of your company, a business coach can help you see the opportunity you aren’t, shine a light on what needs to improve, and be there to guide you when times get tough.

Here are the top 5 benefits to working with a business coach.

#1: Business coaches give you personalized advice

Your business coach can tell you exactly what you need to do in a situation or opportunity—specific to what’s going on. Instead of giving general advice (like what you find in Youtube videos or articles), they can pinpoint exactly what you need to do based off of the situation you’re in or the opportunity you have.

For example, if you’re wondering if it’s time to hire a social media manager, your business coach is going to tell you yes or no based on where you are in your business today. They’ll tell you if this is a good fit for you right now, or if you should wait because of specific factors in your business.

#2: Business coaches speak from experience

We like to live by the quote, “Don’t take advice from somebody you wouldn’t trade lives with.” Your business coach is going to be one of the few people that you look to for advice because they’re speaking from experience. They’ve launched that campaign you’re thinking about successfully already and they’ve made the mistake of hiring the wrong person for the job years ago.

Your business coach will be able to spot the red flags and potential speed bumps, in a way that a less experienced business owner can’t. Then, they can help you avoid them or get out of a sticky situation in the best way possible by using their years of experience.

#3: Business coaches help you reach your definition of success

Success means something different for everybody. One of the best parts of having a coach is that there’s somebody that can look at what you think success means and they can let you know if you’re headed that way.

For example, if you want to work 10 hours a week from a beach in Bali, your business coach can tell you that your business isn’t set up for that to ever happen. Then, they’ll tell you what you can do to set it up that way so you can grab your bathing suit and live your best Bali life.

#4: Business coaches tell you where you need to improve

Being a business owner and having to improve yourself come hand in hand. Owning your own business is like the catalyst of self improvement. You don’t have much choice but to become a master of your own mind if you want to achieve (your definition) of success.

A business coach can tell you when they see an opportunity for personal development. They’ll be able to see what you can’t and guide you to improving in that part of yourself so that you’re happier in the long run. For example, if they know that you have trouble having tough conversations, they’ll have you figure out why and how to fix that so that you can have the tough conversations that come with scaling a business—without getting cold sweats.

#5: Business coaches are your number one fan

Okay, maybe that’s a lie—your mom is definitely rooting for you too. But, business coaches are wearing your jersey and cheering you on. They’re somebody that you can rely on to be there for your when times are great, and when they’re a little more challenging.

Having someone in your corner, that believes in you… and will remind you how much they do… is one of the most important parts of having a business coach. For the days you’re feeling down or have a case of the “Can-I-Really-Pull-This-Off?!” they’re going to remind you that you can and you will.

Having a business coach has proven time and time again (ahem, Apple, Google, Amazon) to be a valuable resource for businesses. When business owners realize they have so much more to learn, and there are other people out there that are happy to coach, teach, and guide them—they level up.

Think it’s time that you add a business coach to your team?

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