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The DigitalMarketer Team is STUFFED with Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Turkey is in the oven, and our Black Friday sales are up and running, which means one thing.

It’s time to sit back and reflect on the last year. 

It can be really easy to sink into the “work work work” mindset and lose sight of the wonderful marketing forest around us. But if there’s one thing that helps me step back and reset my perspective, it’s thinking about the things that I am thankful for.

So what would the DM team say if I asked them what they were thankful for?

I asked around the “office” to find out. And honestly, reading all of the responses made me realize something…

This year has been hard in numerous different ways. Between the pandemic, murder hornets, zoom calls, and everything else that 2020 has brought us, it could be really easy to be pessimistic this year. But it’s important to try to find something to be thankful for this holiday season because, admittedly, there really is a lot to be thankful for.

We’ve got a LOT to be thankful for here at DM. 

Sophia Lopez, Director of People & Culture

“I’m grateful to be a part of a team that prioritizes kindness and, if/when things go awry (cause we’re human), defaults to giving the benefit of the doubt. It’s hard to find that in the world, so it’s pretty special to be a part of a company that lives that daily. 

Maya Hughley, Content Coordinator:

“This year I am particularly grateful for our DEI Out Loud group because it provides a much needed space for expression, especially now that our work life and home life are so intertwined. My coworkers have been so open and vulnerable and I feel like it’s brought us closer now that we no longer work in an office together.”

Drew Rivera, Social Designer:

“I am thankful for DigitalMarketer and a company culture that welcomes the diversity and differences of people. That the door for honest communication is always open and it is dealt with such compassion. Not to mention the creativity and the strengths of everyone working here, it drives me to be better at my job and to grow as a professional. What a blessing it has been to add my name to an already thriving company!

Becky Zieber, Content Strategist:

“This year has given me so much to be grateful for, even while it has been one of the most difficult years to get through. I’m incredibly grateful for my health and the health of my friends and family, and I am blessed to have a job here at DM that lets me work safely from home. But I have also been able to participate in the growing diversity, equity, and inclusivity initiatives and conversations here, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this wonderful group of people.

It’s been an incredibly challenging year, and our internal DEI group has been there every step of the way to have some difficult conversations and seek to better understand each other and the problems going on around us. I’m so thankful that the DEI group has found footing as a growing priority at DM, and I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful ways bring these ideals front and center in our industry and communities next year!

Matt Douglas, Content Manager of Product:

“This has been a challenging year for everyone, to say the least. And I’m really grateful that so many of my loved ones have remained safe and healthy and have kept their jobs. Last recession, I wasn’t able to find a job in my field, and now I work at a company that’s full of smart, caring, funny people who challenge me and help me grow.

I’m truly lucky that with everything that’s going on, I’m able to work from home and continue to do my job. I know that’s not the case for millions of people across America and the world. I sincerely hope that when we make it through this crisis, we come out the other side with more good and are stronger for the challenges we overcame.”

Justina Fenberg, Marketing Coordinator:

“I’m so grateful to work for a company and be amongst peers that value each others’ differences as strengths. There is so much beauty in this world, and I’m reminded of that on a daily basis through the ideas and experiences of my colleagues. I am grateful we can collaborate, express our views, challenge each other’s opinions, and do so with open minds and hearts. It’s not perfect—because none of us are perfect, and will never be. And that’s OK. Being a part of a group that strives to be better is worth the effort, and I’m thankful for that.”  

Brandon Burkman, Marketing Manager:

“Just like for everyone else, 2020 was a rough year for me, both personally and professionally. I managed to escape the first round of massive layoffs in March and April but was eventually told I no longer had a job at my previous employer in July. I am so incredibly thankful for finding a company like DigitalMarketer that not only took a chance on an unknown remote worker but is helping me become an even better marketer than I ever could imagine I could be. Every single employee I’ve come into contact with has been welcoming, gracious, and downright awesome. I cannot wait to get even more into the company culture and truly see where working at a company like this can take me in both my career and my personal development.”

Sam Clark, Content Manager, eLearning:

“I am thankful for our People and Culture Team. This has probably been a nightmare year for Claire and Sophia due to our unique situation. However, not a day goes by where I’m not thankful for all they have done to not only put our health and family’s interest at the forefront of their minds but to find ways to still keep us connected and feel like a family and keep the DM culture alive. Their work this year has been nothing short of Herculean and I feel that everyone in our company can appreciate the hard work and dedication, especially in 2020.”

Jenna Snavely, Content Manager of Production:

“I’m grateful for the ability to work from home safely while still changing peoples’ lives and businesses. It means so much to put my time and focus into a company that believes in its mission wholeheartedly, and that in so many ways, is impacting lives for the better. Also – virtual Thanksgivings and pie (lots of pie).”

Shannon Goodell, Social Media Manager:

“I’m thankful to be a part of a company that truly cares about their people and is willing to always take the necessary steps to make sure we are safe and happy. The People and Culture Team, led by Sophia, has always been amazing, but this year they really shined in more ways than one. They made sure that our safety was the top priority, put together incredible virtual events, sent us goodie bags, and so much more. Their ingenuity and empathy is truly unmatched.

I’m also thankful to be a part of a team that is so flexible and is able to pivot on a dime. We’re able to wear a lot of hats and make the best at whatever comes at us. It’s been a rewarding year, despite the incredible challenges.” 

Kerry Hall, UX/UI Designer:

“It’s been a rough year, and I couldn’t have gotten through it without the support of my friends and working for a company that truly cares. I’m grateful for this job and everything I’ve learned over the past year.” 

So if I had to pick just one thing that I’m thankful for this holiday season, it would be… 


The wonderful readers and customers we work to serve every day. You all make the whole thing worth it.

Happy Thanksgiving, and Best Wishes from the whole DM Team. 

Picture of Mark de Grasse

Mark de Grasse

Mark de Grasse is the President and General Manager of DigitalMarketer and has worked with thousands of business owners to create brands, companies, and marketing campaigns.

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