How to Optimize Your Next Linkedin ARticles to Convert
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Optimize Your Next LinkedIn Article: A 5-Step Approach by the Self Made Millennial

Writing a LinkedIn article or newsletter can be a powerful way for you to show your expertise to your professional network and improve your SEO by showing up searches for that topic. However, so many people write articles on LinkedIn and get limited engagement, and NO conversions. Here are five steps to optimize your LinkedIn article to reach a wider audience and convert.

How This LinkedIn Strategy Changed my Business

LinkedIn has arguably some of the best organic reach when compared to other social media platforms, yet in 2017 I posted regularly and got very low engagement and views. So I spent 2018 posting on LinkedIn and voraciously studying the platform. 

And then, it happened.

I started implementing a very specific regimen on LinkedIn.

  • I went through my process of tuning the LinkedIn feed to give me the best content.
  • I posted following the 5 viral triggers formula.
  • I built relationships on the platform that put me on the map.
  • I used all the hidden tools and workarounds that LinkedIn gives us for free.

And just like that, with a tiny network of a few thousand people, I was able to reach hundreds of thousands of people a week.

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⁣⁣Once I started getting strategic, I had a network of less than 1,500 but my posts were reaching 50,000+ people.

Soon after that, I was climbing my way to 7 figures in my side business, being booked for keynotes, had an inbox full of recruiters asking me to interview at their companies, and had high-paying clients.

Success is built with the right strategy, there’s a formula to the madness!

One element of your content strategy is posting LinkedIn Articles and Newsletters (as of writing, Newsletters isn’t fully rolled out so you may not have the ability to have your network subscribe to your articles).

Here are the top 5 strategies to ensure you optimize your LinkedIn article.

1. Write the Perfect Title

One of the biggest mistakes I see content creators make is they spend SO much time creating high quality content, and then phone it in on the title and thumbnail. Your article is dead in the water if you don’t have an excellent title, so picking the right title should be a top priority.

The key to having an alluring title is two-fold:

  1. Have a number in it: People’s eyes are drawn to numbers. You may not think of a number you can include in your title immediately, but challenge yourself to think of ways to quantify.
  2. Show that you have a unique perspective: Why should someone listen to YOU? Did you accomplish something? Have a specific experience? Speak with someone with expertise?

Here is an example that meets these criteria:

This is an article I wrote to experiment with this naming strategy, and it quickly gained more engagement than my previous articles. The “1000” catches people’s attention, and the unique perspective is that I am the one reading all of these cover letters.

Beyond having a forumalic title, I was able to increase visibility of this article with a simple trick to jumpstart the algorithm to get more engagement, which you can learn about here.

2. Make it Actionable & High Value

The question you always want to ask yourself when writing content is: why should they care? One of the best ways to create high-value content that people care about is to give actionable tips. That means as soon as they stop reading your article they will know exactly the next step to take.

This includes making the article detailed, sharing specific examples, but this doesn’t mean you’re not concise. The best LinkedIn content is helpful and a breeze to read.

3. Ensure it’s Skim-able

The LinkedIn articles that often perform the best are broken up with section titles, incorporate bullet points in quotes, and are broken up into smaller, readable paragraphs.

So many people view content on their phones now, that readability is more important than ever. Here it is an example with different sections created to make for snackable reading, which is crucial to keep people’s short attention span:

4. Add Visuals

Whenever possible, add visuals to punctuate your points. I’m not talking about stock photos, but instead images that contribute real value to the content. This helps to grab and keep their attention, and works to elevate the quality of the article. When in doubt, throw in a screenshot or an infographic. Who doesn’t love a good infographic?

5. Include Calls to Action

Consider what you would like the reader to do next after they read this article. Are there other resources you want to point them to? Is there a way you’d like them to get in touch with you? Embed hyperlinks and even include a bio or call to action at the end of the article. You just gave so much value, go ahead and plug yourself!

LinkedIn can be an incredible vehicle for your business and career. For more LinkedIn tips, watch this playlist and check out this class.

Picture of Madeline Mann

Madeline Mann

I’ve landed thousands of people career defining jobs because of my experience as a Human Resources leader who knows all the behind the scenes secrets. I founded Self Made Millennial, which was named a Top 5 Career Youtube Channel by Career Karma, the #2 Career-Focused TikTok channel, second only to Gary Vaynerchuk, and am part of the exclusive group of LinkedIn Learning Instructors. Learn more at

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