DigitalMarketer Book Review

The 4 Disciplines of Execution 


Productivity Books


Sean Covey, Chris McChesney, & Jim Huling


4DX gives you a new way of working that will give you a competitive advantage in terms of focus and productivity. Highly recommended for managers, founders, and business leaders.

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Have you ever watched a major project or initiative die in your company?

Most marketers with at least a few years of experience have seen this many times. And in most cases, the cause is the same:

Everyone is too busy with their urgent day-to-day work that they don’t have time to execute the strategies necessary for future success.

It’s a tricky situation, but fortunately this book offers a compelling solution: the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX). 4DX is a simple system that can help produce breakthrough results in your company. It consists of 4 main steps:

  • Focus on the wildly important things
  • Act on lead measures
  • Keep a compelling scoreboard
  • Create a cadence of accountability

4DX gives you a new way of working that will give you a competitive advantage in terms of focus and productivity. Highly recommended for managers, founders, and business leaders.

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