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[Case Study] How We Got 198% ROI Using Twitter Advertising

Have you tried Twitter advertising?
We’ve had so much success with Twitter ads that Twitter wrote a case study about us…

Ryan Deiss Twitter Ad Case Study

So… what’s working in the world of Twitter advertising?
Let’s take a look at a campaign we ran that produced $7937.85 in revenue and 198% ROI.


People expect to find content in their Twitter feed.  We obliged them by building a set of three informative articles on our blog that are relevant to a product we sell called Authority ROI.
These blog posts are the landing pages for the Twitter ads in this campaign.
This is called Native Advertising.
A native ad follows the form and function of the medium in which it is placed.  In this case the medium is Twitter and the form/function is content that either informs, inspires or entertains.
Rather than drive traffic to a traditional sales page for our product (a pitch) we instead drive traffic to these informative articles (we call them “Native Worthy” landing pages) and then weave calls-to-action to the relevant offer within the copy of these articles.
It looks like this…
Twitter native ad flow

The Offer

The eventual offer made to those visiting our site from these ads is a course called Authority ROI.
This course is designed to teach bloggers how to make money from their blogs by treating them like media properties.
Twitter Ad Offer

The Ads

We used Twitter’s Promoted Tweets ad format for this campaign.  These are very simple to set up.
Because the ads are “native”, they look just like any other tweet.  There’s no mention of a product.  There’s no selling.
We simply present them with a good headline and a link to informative content.
Here are the three tweets we “promoted”, each leading to an article that is relevant to the eventual offer:

Example Twitter Ads

The Landing Pages

For this campaign we built three informative articles (“native worthy” landing pages) that were relevant to our Authority ROI offer.
Each article (landing page) has stand-alone value.  In other words, the reader will get value from the landing page regardless of whether they take the offer.
Here are the three landing pages for this campaign:

Each of these articles is what we call a “native worthy” landing page.  The landing page provides valuable content that is consistent with what the user expects to find when they click on the link in the native ad.
The content is also relevant to the eventual Authority ROI offer and includes calls-to-action to learn more about the offer.

The Results

The power of running Twitter ads using native ads vs. direct offers is two-fold:

  • It feels natural – The flow from  Tweet > “Native Worthy” Landing Page > Sales Page follows the form and function of the user experience in Twitter.
  • Native worth landing pages get shared – Traditional sales pages don’t get shared but “native worthy” landing pages do — because they have value.  This increases the flow of traffic to the offer and reduces Cost Per Acquisition (CPA).

Here’s what our results looked like…

Social Media Sharing of “Native Worthy” Landing Pages

  • 904 Facebook Likes
  • 256 Tweets
  • 95 LinkedIn Shares
  • 95 Google+ Shares

Sales Results from Native Twitter Ads Campaign

  • 359K Impressions
  • 9.71K Engagements (this benefits us on Twitter well beyond this campaign)
  • $0.27 Cost Per Engagement
  • $2,663 Spent
  • $7,937.85 in Revenue

Twitter Advertising Results

How to Get Started With Twitter Advertising.

You don’t need to spend $2,000 to get started…
We usually begin with $5 or $10 a day in spend.  If we see positive ROI… we ramp up the spend.

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